The customs cruiser «Ternen» from 1951 is a veteran boat that is part of our Norwegian coastal heritage. It one of 260 ships and boats in Norway protected by «The Norwegian Directorat for Culture Heritage» and is part of the boats that must be looked after for generations to come. It was built for the customs service in Bergen and was a faithful servant there until 1979. It came to Tysnes in 2023 and is located at the «EH Vaage» trading post, together with the Riksantikvaren it will be restored as it was new. The engine that is in the boat now is a 100 horse 6 cylinder Ford-Sabb which is almost 50 years old and built in Bergen. The tern is built in oak, with a pine deck and superstructure in mahogany. We will use it to take guests to experience the pearls around us. Old trading places, shipyards, the king’s old resort, fishing trips and beautiful straits and coves. It will be a magical trips with some good food and drink. Perhaps your guests will want to experience coastal culture on a vintage boat.
We look forward to creating magical coastal experiences with T/K Ternen.